Praxis EMR Software Prices, Reviews, Complaints & Company Overview

A unique and flexible solution for electronic medical records (EMR), Praxis EMR allows healthcare professionals to customize and share documents and reports that fit with their personal style and methods of operation. Rather than utilizing pre-made templates, Praxis EMR is designed with Concept Processing AI (artificial intelligence) that has the ability to learn and become smarter. This increases efficiency and allows for more personalization of documents and records.
About Praxis EMR Software
The majority of EMR or EHR (electronic health record) softwares use pre-made menus and templates to assist in note-taking and patient records. And, though this does make things easier for healthcare professionals, it does not make their jobs any better. Praxis EMR, on the other hand, is made with an AI known as Concept Processing that actively learns from you, getting smarter the more it is used. Regardless of your specialty or the type of practice, the software learns from you so that it can think like you.
If standard EMR systems aren't cutting it for you, than Praxis EMR might just be the way to go. The company's goal is to help professionals in the medical world by making their jobs easier and the process of paperwork faster. A dedicated team of developers, physicians, technicians, and trainers make sure that this EMR software produces the best results for you, your practice, and your patients.
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Praxis EMR Software Features
Praxis EMR software has a variety of features designed to make the job faster and easier. Some of these include:
- Agents: Built into patient notes, these are essentially AI messengers that allow you to perform quick charting and send out reminders to your staff. Agents automatically store and access pertinent medical and patient information when a new patient with a similar case is encountered. Agents categorize case types into three classifications: identical, similar but not identical, and rare.
- Clinical Practice Guidelines: Praxis EMR software allows healthcare professionals to access the recommendations and rules that physicians use to help determine tests and treatments, known as Clinical Practice Guidelines. The data mining tools and query engine of the software lets even those with limited technical knowledge easily develop queries, with both prospective and retrospective queries able to be applied.
- Knowledge Exchanger: This feature of Praxis EMR software allows users to share their information with other experts and peers, which lets the software learn from others as well as the user. This increases the knowledge and effectiveness of your practice through collaboration with other healthcare professionals.
How Much Does Praxis EMR Software Cost?
The price of web-based EMR software varies depending on any extra features you choose, the number of users, and the size of your practice. But it is a very popular choice, due in part to the fact that there is little to no upfront cost for web-based software.
You can expect to pay, on average, between $800 and $1,200 per month, per provider for web-based EMR software.
It is important to note, however, that if you do not have fast and reliable Internet then web-based EMR software may not be the best choice for you. If you do have a fast and reliable Internet connection, a dedicated T-1 line is absolutely crucial to interruption-free operation of your EMR software. If you do not have a dedicated T-1 line, you can talk to your telecom provider about installing one, which will likely be your only upfront cost.
If you do not have a reliable Internet connection, it is a good idea to consider self-hosted EMR software. The upfront costs are higher, but self-hosted systems are faster and come without the worry of connection-related system crashes. It is still difficult to provide accurate cost estimates without knowing the particulars of a given practice, but average costs include:
- Software licensing costs between $2,500 and $5,000 per user
- Servers can cost as low as $1,000 and run up to over $200,000, but average between $25,000 and $50,000
- Installation and training typically costs around $2,000
Praxis EMR Software Reviews
The vast majority of Praxis EMR software customer reviews are highly positive. Healthcare professionals enjoy the fact that there are no templates created by someone else and that the software learns from them, enabling them to have the best setup for their practice. People also enjoy that the software makes their jobs simpler, enabling them to see more patients and provide better care.
There are those who have had issues, however, with certain aspects of the software. Praxis EMR is a web-based system, which many have found to be slower than in-house server EMRs. There are also people who have talked about their patients having trouble navigating through the patient portal, although Praxis has taken some measures to remedy this. Some users have found that Praxis EMR can be difficult to navigate and use before the AI has grown accustomed to their practice and style.